The Team


Rev. Phillip DonnellPhillip Donnell

I am the current Director/Team Leader of NCNZ, having been involved in the Christian environmental movement for the past 20 years.

My past involved pastoring four Baptist churches, teaching at secondary and tertiary levels, and leading tours.

I am a published author of poetry, articles and short stories.

My wife Katrina and I live in Tauranga and attend Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Three married children and 11 grandchildren are a major pre-occupation.

I am a Life Member of Forest and Bird and actively participate in tramping, kayaking, running, and mountain-biking.


Barbara Langridge

Barbara Langridge 

I trained as a primary school teacher and taught in both New Zealand and an overseas Mission School with OMF.

I returned to New Zealand and took up both teaching and leadership positions at Elim Christian College.

I was able to include environmental topics, such as Care for Creation, with a Biblical focus while teaching a Gifted Class.

Attending Phillip’s ‘Planet Carers’ one-day seminar gave me a fuller understanding of the Biblical Mandate for Creation Care and potential outreach through environmental projects.

As a member of the Auckland Baptist Tramping Club since 1995, I have had many fantastic opportunities to enjoy the wonder of God’s creation in many outdoor settings.

I have initiated environmental projects such as tree planting on island reserves, beach clean-ups, pest trap management and helped with regular Club track maintenance.

As a Trustee for New Creation New Zealand, it is both a privilege and a challenge to help Christians to better understand our role in Creation Care.


Dr Wesley Webb

Wesley is a lecturer in Biodiversity at Unitech and a post-doctoral researcher in ecology.

His PhD was on female birdsong, and included a large field study of New Zealand bellbird song dialects across the Hauraki Gulf.

Wesley is passionate about the marvels of nature and environmental restoration, and has spoken on the biblical basis of creation care to various churches and community groups. He and his wife Rebecca live in West Auckland. He writes:

I’m a biologist passionate about birds, research and inspiring care for the earth. As a follower of Jesus, I believe Christian faith and science are not in conflict. God has made a discoverable, rational world and science helps us to understand and protect His creation.

Following a PhD on female birdsong and bellbird song dialects, I am lecturing in animal behaviour and am currently in a three-year Marsden Fast-Start research project to understand the evolution of male and female birdsong complexity.

As a presenter for NCNZ, I enjoy connecting audiences to the marvels of nature and theology of stewardship, and helping churches think through how they can embrace creation care.

My dream is to see the churches of Aotearoa at the front lines of creation care, rubbing shoulders with our neighbours as we care for our place, and seeing lives transformed for Jesus in the process. 

Huirong (Tina) Chen Huirong (Tina) Chen 

Migrating from China in 2000, Huirong (also known as Tina) has made New Zealand her “home, sweet home”.

She loves the blue sky, white clouds, colourful flowers, and evergreen plants. She enjoys connecting with different ethnicities (Europeans, Asians, Pacific islanders, and Māori).

Huirong is passionate about God’s creation – nature and people.

In her personal life, she plants trees once a year in Central Auckland. 

She makes compost with kitchen leftovers in her garden.

In her professional life as a financial planner, she continuously checks and identifies risks that clients may face and recommends appropriate insurance products to protect them and their loved ones. She also asks clients if they consider an ethical investment in their portfolios. 

Huirong’s motto is “Small things make a big impact over time!”

Paul Ungemuth Paul Ungemuth

I am now retired after many years, mainly working with manufacturing companies as an accountant.

I have tertiary qualifications in commerce and applied theology.

Over the years, I have held many voluntary roles in the church, as well as political organisations, and have a long association with the Auckland Baptist Tramping Club.

have enjoyed lay preaching, home group hosting, hospitality, leading tramps and I love sharing with others.

God calls me to care for people and for creation.

This leads me also to read, both to stay informed and to understand God’s word and what he is saying to our generation.

I strongly support Phillip’s NCNZ initiative because it calls us to be good custodians of God’s wonderful creation.

Indeed, such care of creation is part of our worship and honouring of our amazing Creator! I am a trustee of NCNZ and current treasurer.


Ruth Ungemuth Ruth Ungemuth 

My name is Ruth Ungemuth, wife of Paul Ungemuth.

I was born in New Zealand and grew up in Auckland.

I have a strong Danish/Faeroese background and visiting our extended family overseas has also influenced my life outlook.

I have lived and worked overseas in various countries and done overseas mission work. I had a varied nursing career here in both hospital and community settings.

My Christian faith is the mainstay in how I look at the world and it motivates me to take responsibility in how we treat this earth and what can we do to improve on this individually and collectively.



Phillip Donnell and Wesley Webb regularly facilitate events and presentations. A further facilitator in our team is:

Rev. Warren Prestidge

Warren is a retired Baptist pastor, now attending Orakei Baptist Church.

He has an M.A. in English and a B.D. Hons in Theology.

As well as pastoring churches in Auckland for over 30 years, he has taught at university, secondary schools and Bible colleges and has served as a Bible College Director.

His passion is to understand and take to heart the Word of God and to apply it to our times. 

Warren and Jackie have been married for over 50 years and they have 3 sons, 3 daughters-in-law and 6 wonderful grandchildren.